Wednesday, 4 March 2020

2020 "Kai manu tonu te tumanako: Never Lose Hope"

Our school wide focus for 2020 is "kai manu tone te tumanako" or Never lose hope.  This is an important value - we all have hopes and dreams and we need to hold on to them.

As teachers we want to help our students hold on to their hopes and dream and help them succeed.  Teaching them confidence and creativity so that they can reach their goals in school as well as in life is one of the most important things we can do for our students.

To be able to help our students succeed we need to set clear and attainable goals, to help them develop strategies to obtain these goals and keep them motivated to use these strategies.  I am using the engage programme to help my students develop strategies to manage their emotions and behaviour  in an appropriate way so that they can use these strategies to attain their learning goals.