Monday 7 November 2016

Successes Shared and Advice Sought

Collaborative inquiry groups are an informal way of sharing success and seeking advise from colleagues outside our team.

I shared the small success I have had in helping a child to use what he does know and to encourage him to recognise what he needs to know and remember.  We have moved from looking at a letter to remembering the shape or sequence of two or three letters.  He is seeing and commenting on words around the room or in books we read and he is so positive about his learning.  Each learning journey starts with small steps!

The advice I sought was in helping children transfer their oral vocabulary into their writing.  A good suggestion was to get the children to record their story so they could listen to what they originally said and write it down. The replay idea would also help children hear words and visualise what sounds they need to write as so often they don't use a word because they don't know how to spell it.

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